Hypertonia increased DTRs w or wo clonus increased spasticity. Afferent for corneal blink reflex. Lesions Of The Facial Nerve Umn Vs Lmn Facial Nerve Speech Language Therapy Speech Language Pathology Lesions were classified as LMN UMN or mixed on the basis of the presence or absence of 1 the bulbocavernosus reflex 2 lower limb deep tendon reflexes below the neurologic level of injury and 3 the Babinski sign. . Upper motor neurons have cell bodies originating in the cerebral cortex or brainstem that terminate in the spinal cord. Facilitation of Desired motor responses while inhibiting others. Lesson on differences between Upper and Lower Motor Neuron Lesions. The information provided by Ninja Nerd is not. I thought it was the opposite for years and not sure what the truth is. Planning and execution of complex motor responses. Efferent for corneal blink reflex. Mainly crossed - contralateral lower facial mus...